woensdag 16 februari 2011

Dead galgos inside the caves of Chinchilla de Montearagón

Bericht van Arca de Noa te Albacete

A.P.A.P. Arca de Noé, in Albacete, wants to make public yet one more case of animal cruelty that took place in Chinchilla de Montearagón (Albacete,Spain). This time the victims are once more the noble galgos, innocent victims of the cruelty and callousness of their sometimes cold-hearted owners.

Some members of the Association attended the call of some youngsters who had made a macabre discovery: they´d found the lifeless bodies of some galgos inside a cave in the outskirts of town. Fearing the worst, some other caves in the area were inspected and the same appalling sight was found in some of them: galgos´ bodies in different states of decomposition, tied up to big rocks inside the caves where they´d been abandoned and starved to death… there were even whole litters that had been thrown into small pits they couldn´t get out of.
We will never be able to understand this violence against defenseless beings but it´s even more overwhelming to think there are people capable of killing their own pets, animals which were loyal to them, with such cold-hearted cruelty.

The SEPRONA has been informed of these facts, they will proceed to their investigation and will ask the Chinchilla townhall to intervene in this affair.
City councils have authority in animal protection and the government are responsible for designing a law which in actual fact protects animals, but this should also be something each and everyone of us citizens should worry about.

A person who condemns an animal to die under these circumstances is not only committing a highly cruel act but is also incurring in a crime provided in the code of criminal procedure. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case, and we can not continue to look away from reality, as it only contributes to thousands of galgos living and dying every year victims of animal cruelty and leniency.

It is a shame our cities, our towns are known to the world for events like this.
Europe looks at Spain in horror while European associations give out their help to the numerous and overcrowded Spanish animal protection societies wondering how much longer we will depend on them before we will able to provide a decent life to our society´s ´remains`.

Although some people are determined to make us believe that these are isolated cases, even imagination of the protective associations, the reality of everyday is enough to make them hush. Finished the hunting season, our cities and roads show the plight of these poor souls. Who does not see reality? Who dares deny it? Only those who are not interested in seeking a solution.

It is our duty and our right to demand from responsible authorities, city councils, that they control these activities to prevent such unfortunate occurrences, and that they set up the mechanisms to implement the Animal Protection Law.

To express your disagreement about these events, please email at City Council of Chinchilla: chinchilla@dipualba.es

A.P.A.P. Arca de Noé de Albacete
2011 - February

We besparen u de ergste foto's, maar willen u toch een impressie geven

Tevens doen we bij deze een oproep om de hondjes die op onze website staan en medische hulp nodig hebben te steunen. Onze collega's in Spanje hebben het deze periode heel zwaar en als we hen financieel een hart onder de riem kunnen steken zou dit zeer fijn zijn. Wij maken uw bijdrage integraal over aan de asielen van Spanje (indien gewenst bezorgen wij u hiervan een bewijsje).

Vergeet ook niet af en toe leuke foto's van uw windekindjes door te sturen. Wij sturen deze altijd door naar de collega's in Spanje en ze hebben er veel voldoening van.

Dank jullie allemaal voor jullie steun en hulp !
Laten we samen, diegenen die nog een toekomst hebben, proberen te helpen !

Elke en Anita

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